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Help Desk Confessionals

I'm a systems administrator who provides tech support, data analysis, and report generation for about 300 users. No support staff. No other help. Just me.

Eating in my office

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

This one boss in my office loves to eat. Ever since I moved into this office last year, we have not stopped eating. Potlucks, lunches, cakes, donuts, snacks for any occasion - birthdays, anniversaries, someone starting, someone leaving, holidays, etc - any reason he can think of. It's very common to walk into the office and see a big box of donuts on the receptionist counter.

So this morning I came in and was just about starting to work. My boss came by and signaled me to the break area. Voila! Tamales, frijoles, rice, salsa, pastries, cookies...but the best part was when I asked what the occasion was. "Wednesday."
posted by Carl from L.A., 8:59 AM


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