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Help Desk Confessionals

I'm a systems administrator who provides tech support, data analysis, and report generation for about 300 users. No support staff. No other help. Just me.

Blogroll Overhaul

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Found some great blogs recently -
  • birdsovafeather - she's mildly cranky, but fun to read.
  • Caffeine Addict Anon - I would go there to just look at the pictures. Hilarious!
  • The hausfrau chronicles - Single mom of two who recently divorced her alcoholic and drug-addicted husband, and I thought I have a stressful life.
  • Overeducated Nympho - there is actually a lot more to what the title suggests. "Salacious, enlightening, amusing, and with excessive cursing."
  • Such a Pretty Face - Lushy just ended a long relationship and is now trying to get a foothold of being single again. She's one optimistic chick.
  • PostSecret - People put their secrets on postcards which are posted here. Funny. Sad. Surprising. Fascinating.
posted by Carl from L.A., 7:19 AM


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