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Help Desk Confessionals

I'm a systems administrator who provides tech support, data analysis, and report generation for about 300 users. No support staff. No other help. Just me.


Friday, March 04, 2005

I get every other Friday off work. Today is my RDO (regular day off), but I'm in the office trying to meet a deadline for my "Big Project". I got in at 5:45 a.m. It's now 7 a.m. and I haven't start working yet. Things I did in the last 75 minutes:
  • Took an NBC survey on last night's "Law & Order: Trial by Jury".
  • Listened to the Kevin and Bean Show on KROQ - they are broadcasting from some guy's house in Riverside ("the 909"). The guy bid $5,000 in an auction ("broadcasting from his house" was the item for bid) for tsunami relief effort.
  • Checked the system to see if all the overnight processing is completed.
  • Uploaded a pic to my "Desktop Traveller" blog. I have started to use Flickr to upload pictures instead of Hello, which has been taking forever to publish.
  • Read the newsgroups on The Apprentice and Law & Order. Most posters agreed that Audrey deserved to get fired. So did I. The chick's idea of leadership is to let everybody "lead" and do their own things, so she could shirk any responsibilities should anything goes wrong. What a joke! The jury is still out on "Trial by Jury". I love the cast, but I can see how it might be difficult to come up with plot twists because they show you all the cards - I mean, the guy confessed to the murder to his attorney, so what else is there? It will be interesting to see how this show goes. Great opening title sequence. Poor Jerry Orbach - he is just not himself anymore.
  • Checked listenership on my radio station. A few people have tuned in. Cool.
  • Checked to see who stopped by my blogs. I have put this blog up with the "Blog You" group (previously HK Bloggers), which is a webring of sorts for bloggers from Hong Kong. The webring is divided into "stations" of the rail lines in Hong Kong. Look for this blog in the "Central" station.
  • Added a new blog to my "daily reading" - "Cooking with Amy - a Food Blog"

Guess maybe I should start working.

posted by Carl from L.A., 7:07 AM


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